Sunday, February 15, 2009

P90X the review

Now that we have finished the grueling 90 days and we promised we would post pictures we are feeling a little sheepish about the whole thing. (For a little background A gave Dan p90x for his birthday, after seeing the infomercials all of the time about how to go from Flab to Fab in just 90 days. On the night of his birthday - Dan said "Okay Let's Go" and we have been sweating it out ever since. Even our kids got into the routine and would change into their "workout" clothes to join us for the warm-up or stretching. It was pretty cute when Kate would ask "Is it Legs & Back tonight mom?"

Did it work? Dan gives it a 7 and wants to do it again. A is just happy to be alive, and thinks she will try Turbo Jam this next time (a shorter daily time commitment and more dancing).

Was it worth it? Sure! It got us back into the habit of exercising, but it defiantly cut down on the amount of chocolate chip cookies Adrianne has made over the last few months.

Either way it was brutal but worth it. We spent the last 3 months together sweating it out in the basement. And even if we don't look a lot better- exercising and having fun together was worth it. We laughed right along with Tony's lame jokes and would say them before he could. And A would laugh every time we did Kenpo (especially near the end) that the guy in the back was still fat even after 12 weeks.

Our greatest accomplishments?? A can do 20 push ups and clap in between. And Dan is really good at Yoga.

the New Hot Dan!!

Dan's before picture.

Check out those guns!

A has nice arms. (sorry no before picture) She wasn't planning on doing this remember.

Dan thinks she always looks good from behind!

so there you have it! Hope you aren't disappointed.


Ashlee said...

Damn, girl! Those are nice guns! Way to go, you guys. I am impressed with your bodies, but more with your commitment. That is HARD.

Ashley C. said...

way to go. i sure hope it works as well for me.

love you. i am so proud of you both.

Ashley C. said...

ps- you both look awesome.

a- love those shoulders. wow!

Malma said...

Good golly! You guys look amazing! I'm jealous of your arms A!

Brittany said...

Those things are cannons! Nice work!

Eric said...

A you look so fabulous. I am so jealous. I can't walk up a set of stairs these days without getting winded and I think my butt and sides have grown more than my belly :) I am going to do the P90X after this baby!!! Way to go you guys!

Courtney said...

Freakin' amazing!!!

Dan- Look you look like Batman, minus the mask!
A- You would make a hot Catwoman!


....P90x before and after pictures coming soon on the Jacobsen blog as well. (Ploymetrics is waiting for me at home tonight!)I am loving that this is becoming a family obsession.

Erika Anderson said...

Uhm.. I'm going to go kick myself in the teeth....DANG!

scott j said...

dan i am happy to see that you even followed before and after picture protocol. Small grin or no smile on the before picture, and big smile on the after picture. Well done!

cdsdds said...

Tony and Dreya would be so proud. Way to go. I hope my arms look like yours when I'm done.


cdsdds said...

Extremely sexy! You were hot before but now...I can't stop staring. Adrianne, you look good too. I was hoping for a Great Britain halter top, though.

Well done. I now have a goal.

maxfamclan said...

Way to post! Love your least it's private, but those are good enough for public! Very, very good!

Mushie said...

Way to go!! I'm very proud, especially after being a P90X drop out! I still can only do 5 push ups..with no claps! You both look great!

The Kleins said...

Nice! I must go out and get this for us right away!! You guys are HOT!

It's Been a Day! said...

way to go. those are some nice arms. you look good too, A!!

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