Monday, July 13, 2009

We did it! We did it!!

We (and when I say we -I mean WE- thank you to Sarah and Lauren and my mom who watched Meg during the first few days) are proud to announce the latest milestone in the Murdock family!

MEG IS POTTY TRAINED!! whoot! whoot!!

she drives me crazy and she melts my heart! what a funny kid!!


Dan said...

Amazing how that picture captures her personality. Now the question is what to do with the diaper money.

Lauren Parker said...

she is sooo cute haha. love her in those glasses! yay for being potty trained :]

It's Been a Day! said...

so jealous. i could use a little help in the potty training area with my little avery. she thinks wearing big girl over her underwear counts as being potty trained. doesn't count in my book!! congrats.

Brittany said...

Great job Meg! Come teach Abby!

Heather said...

A huge milestone! CONGRATS MEG and MOM!

cdsdds said...

Yeah, Lily's potty trained too but there sure are a lot a "skid marks."

Ashley C. said...

that is one awesome kid. love that pic!! congrats on being done with diapers... forever!!! wow.

Malma said...


Nickposh said...

I was just thinking today how much I love Meg and the way she talks I keep hearing her sweet little voice say
"HOT!" Yeah for all of you. See you at the beach!

Courtney said...

Hip hip hooray for meggie moo!

Corinne said...

Yay!! I hate potty training. I am so glad I am done too!

Coleen said...

Love the pic and can't believe your will have no kids in diapers at beach week!

Can't wait to see you and your cute family.

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