Last night Dan, the kids and I made a list about the many things we are thankful for! The list was long and a little silly at times, but we really are so grateful for the many wonderful things around us!
Meg is thankful for balls, babies, cheese, apples, the baaaath, shoes, mama and dada!
Kate is thankful for her teddy bears, food, toys, furniture, cousins and friends, the phone, her dad's tools so that he can work, Jesus, TV, stickers, and songs about Jesus that sound like the Backyardigans.
Annie is thankful for her school and primary teachers, for books and learning, for "the Friend", the Holy Ghost, a house to live in and clothes to wear, her parents, Grandmas & Grandpas, cousins near and far, and lets not forget aunts and uncles. Annie is also thankful for animals and Santa!!
A is thankful for modern appliances: washer & dryer, furnace, dishwasher, cell phones. little noses (see picture of Meg above) sleep, family, the Light, the blogger dashboard, wonderful fun kind children, wonderful friends, prayers that are answered, little giggles, and Pitter Pat Photography for the wonderful pictures!
Dan is thankful for a job, good health, cheap gas, nice fall weather, the scriptures, spending time with family, nice weather, honest people, indoor plumbing, loving supportive kind wife, ipods, good co-workers, a good client, "the pitter patter of little feet"
At this thanksgiving time we are all grateful for the wonderful family and family that we have. We are grateful for your love and examples, and your friendships. You bless our lives in so many ways.
And as we begin this Christmas Season we are very grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ. We all may believe many different things about Jesus but I hope that we can all know that He is aware of us individually and that we might all find inner PEACE this season!