Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Candy for Soldiers

Wondering what to do with all of the left over Halloween candy??

Ours has been sitting on our counter since Halloween and the few things I like are already gone. The novelty of it all has seems to have worn off for Annie & Kate (except for when she realized it was gone) and Meg as found new tactics for climbing up onto the counter to get the candy. An 18 month old and candy never mix well. It is either sticky or chocolaty and either way it is a total mess. So off it went today to Soldiers Angels who will add your left over Halloween candy to care packages sent to the troops. It was super easy (I know my dentist will be proud) and even if it cost me a little in shipping- I feel like it went to a much better place than just the garbage!!

Here's the link for where to send your candy!!


Brittany said...

Great idea A.

Erin said...

Fabulous idea. I had planned on lots of trick-or-treaters at our new house and we got a whopping 2! So now the candy sits in my pantry tempting me every day. I was just going to take it to work, but I think this is a better cause! Thanks!

Courtney said...

love the Erin we weren't quite sure how many trick or treaters to plan on at our new house, so we have lots of left overs. I am excited to send it off as well!

Dan said...

So that's where it went.

Coleen said...

I did this for FHE after Halloween with the boys, but they were not willing participants....I am hoping that next year they will part with the candy without tantrums....

Ashley C. said...

what a good idea. i almost just chucked it all the other day. now i will just drive it to the post office. good work a. always thinking of others. i like that about you.

Sandie said...

Coming from a soldier's wife, THANKS to all of you!!!

maxfamclan said...

Thanks for the tip!

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