When I heard that you could get incredible results in just 90 days with P90X by just doing push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups it sounded too easy. But it actually worked and the results were pretty good. However, there may be a better and more fun way of doing things. It's called Jazzercise and it looks like a good work out disguised with a lot of fun. So now that we are looking for a new workout routine we think this is definitely the one. Perhaps we will have a future in its infomercial. We'll keep you updated on how it goes, but for now, its time to get jazzercising!!!
I think i just peed my pants a little.
I just need to move my boogie body.....I guess I can throw out P90X then.
They teach a jazzercise class at Fairmont...we should seriously go sometime!
"a boom chicka boom chicka boom boom boom"
well.i guess i throw that in for my cardio today. that was hilarious. though i would like to see both of you do that. im talking to you dan.
That was awful, and by that I mean thoroughly delightful.
If Dan buys me a matching leotard I'll join you.
"get loose for heaven's sake! don't you know who to get loose?"
hee hee
WOW..that brought back memories...all those early mornings in the 80's doing jazzercize in the ward gym. There really is nothing new...it just keeps getting recycled! Loved the hair!
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