Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Out of Sorts

Meg just turned 2 and suddenly we are out of sorts.
Meg and I are at odds.
Last night was an official boycott of the crib. The mattress is as low as it goes and the little monkey climbed out nearly 20 times. I am not ready for a big girl bed. I am not ready for 10 pm bed times. I am not ready for no more naps. Meg is ready for a big girl bed.
And as you can see from the picture she is wearing big girl underwear. Suddenly as I am in a mad rush to leave town for the weekend, Meg wants to potty train herself. Every time I turn around she is naked. We have gone through half a box a diapers in the last few days. Meg is ready to be potty trained.
The nakedness doesn't help our bath problem. Meg loves to take baths & showers. Usually 3 or 4 a day. So we are naked and suddenly she wants another bath. And don't worry we climb in and out of the bath which covers my bathroom with water and is an accident waiting to happen.
And speaking of accidents you would think Meg would get hurt climbing. But Monday I was putting her in the car seat and when I pulled her over so that she was square in the seat to buckle her up I dislocated her elbow. oops! (for all the parents who will do this in the future- i guess it can happen real easily and it usually just pops back in with a little help.)
In between sitting on my counter with a cookie cutter as an ankle bracelet, Meg enjoys:
  • Decorating my bathroom with bronzer and eyeshadow
  • wearing shoes in all shapes and colors and sizes
  • eating cinnamon toast crunch (and then drinking the milk just like her sisters)
  • watching Dora and the Wonder pets
  • eating cereal out of a bag and leaving a trail of where she has been
  • climbing on anything and everything (how do you think she got on the counter) and her bikes and toys as a step stool.
  • talking on her cell phone
  • pushing her baby around in the stroller

Hopefully like the stars, Meg and I will again (one day soon I hope) align.


Ashley C. said...

we love meg and her out of sortness. goodluck. sounds like you need the big girl bed from my house!

sophie says "good job meg" for wearing big girl unders.

parker says, " i wub you meg..."

Lauren Parker said...

ill have her !!!!

Courtney said...

I am in love with Meg too! She just melts my heart when she asks for more kisses and wants me to stay with her. She knows how to make someone feel loved and wanted.

When I feel better (this virus is going to be the death of me) I would love to take Meg out for a neice/aunty date.

Eric said...

Oh, I feel your pain. London is now potty trained and in a big girl bed and although it is nice since I have another one coming. . . I wasn't ready for it. She is the one that decided she wanted to make the changes. Why do they think they are in control? Oh wait, they are :). I love the picture of Meg and I wish you the best of luck!!

Brittany said...

I remember when you went through this with Annie. Meg is too cute! Can she teach Abby to use the potty?

auntie libby said...

send her over. i need a meg fix. you can pick her up when you are ready!

ps, a kate and annie fix, not to mention an "a" and dan fix would be nice as well. we don't see you often enough.

maxfamclan said...

I think it is harder as they get closer to 3! They start to let that personality come out and it wants to challenge every boundry! She is adorable though, that is good! Good luck!

EmilyCC said...

Good thing that Meg is so darn cute!

Sandie said...

I hate to say it but, I soooo don't miss that stage. At least you seem to be dealing with it with a smile. It makes it a little easier when they are so dang cute!

suzi said...

Oh my gosh that is funny. I have to say, it truly makes me feel better about my little Whitney who is CONSTANTLY naked! I loved the list of favorite things to do... 2 year old girls are something else!

Heather-joy said...

Ohh Meg! Just fyi, when I was 1 1/2 I definitely climbed out of my crib and broke my arm... but don't worry I think it could've been because 2-2.5 weeks earlier I had broken my leg being bounced on the trampoline. I hoe she grows out of this stage really fast!!!! Are you working tonight?

Sum & Ben said...

I am right there with ya with my little one...they are sooo cute, yet sooo frustrating!! Gotta love it!! She is so cute!

The Kleins said...

I can't believe she's 2 already!

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