Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Kate!

Kate recently celebrated a birthday- and already she is talking about the next one!
Great birthday moments:
Kate's explanation of getting older : "papa- on your birfday you get another number"
Kate wondering about her future career "mom- do vets have birthdays?"
When Kate opened a barbie and horse set- she exclaimed OH! I have been dreaming about this for a long long time!

Kate is always so busy and really her spirit is much bigger than her little body- which has prompted me to often say that I love my kids most while they are sleeping. I realized this after checking on Kate one night and she looked so peaceful. I love the slow rhythmic breathing of a sleeping child. She was smiling in her sleep and she wasn't moving (which is a huge feat if you know Kate- most of the pictures I take of her are blurry because she can't hold still) But even though she was holding still and was quiet, the spirit about her was stronger than I have ever felt before or since. It gave me a feeling of awe and wonder. So, Yes! I love her when she is sleeping because I feel like that great big spirit of hers can communicate with me on a very different level!
Mom: "Kate I love you to pieces"
Kate: "Mom, I love you in THREE pieces"

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

We love Kate three pieces too. She such fun niece/cousin.We love her singing and her happy disposition. She is always so fun and pleasant. We love you Kate. It was fun to celebrate with you. Happy Birthday.

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