Friday, May 23, 2008


aaaahhhhh! Mexico! what a wonderful, much needed vacation! Funny how we leave our kids and then spend a good portion of our time talking about them- sharing the funny things they say or mentioning how they too would enjoy the waterslide at the pool. Although after watching mom's drag all of the "gear" to the pool, put sunscreen on everyone and then haul it all away again less then an hour later in the middle of someone's meltdown just made me smile and nod, muttering to myself- that's why i left them home!!

The perfect vacation for me includes a body of water, the sun, a good book, a cute cabana boy and pina coladas (virgin of course)!!

We didn't do much besides eat, sit by the pool, read and sleep! So yes it was perfect!


It's Been a Day! said...

i'm SO jealous. I'm assuming you took this trip with Ashley. What a fun sister trip. I need more pictures so I can live vicariously through you!!

maxfamclan said...

That is awesome! I have decided we should all leave our kids for a break every so often. Looks warm and beautiful!

Eric said...

That sounds so fabulous! I would love a trip without the children. But then, I always have a hard time leaving them. What is it with us moms? I want to hear more about your trip!

Sandie said...

I didn't know you were going. It sounds fabulous, and with the weather here, it was a great time to go. Glad you had a good time. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. You're the best!!!

Dan said...

That is one cute couple. Too bad life can't always be that relaxing

Rachel said...

Hooray for trips and even more trips without kids. I don't know how that is just yet, but hopefully one of these days a grandma will come and relieve us. Too bad our Mexico trip is with Noelle.

cdsdds said...

Does that Boston hat ever come off?

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