- Aunt Mary told about lying to grandma about being in the 24th of July Parade in Salt Lake. The lies grew and before she knew it Grandma had made Mary and her friend a uniform and they ended up in the parade as the flag girls for the Beaver City Band.
- Rob reminded us of Grandma's threat to always tuck in your shirt or she would motivate you by sewing lace to the bottom of it. He also mentioned her compassion and fairness when serving on the New Hampshire Parole Board- always listening to the whole story.
- Todd told us of Grandma's counsel to Wear out rather than Rust out!
- Aunt Nancy told us as she was driving to the hospital and got word that Grandma had taken a turn for the worse she suddenly saw a bucket fly across the road in front of her. She said she knew then it was her mom's own way of telling her she had kicked the bucket!
- Amy & Carrie talked about Grandma sewing them special outfits as well as teaching them how to sew.
- Many remembered her love of music and the primary age kids sang her songs at the family viewing and prayer.
- Dan commented about how he loved it when she was telling a story and you knew it was a good one if she laughed her way through it. Her whole face would light up when she laughed.
- Uncle Bill and many others remembered spending time at Cobbet's Pond. Many of the grand kids had fond memories there.
- Tom mentioned her service on Governor Sununu’s Committee on Volunteerism.
- Judy told about Grandma's landscaping service project at a VA Hospital. She had put an add in the local paper for able body volunteers to help plant and ended up getting a group of Hell's Angels who happened to be in town. She even acted like she had invited them personally.
- Everyone had their own memory of Grandma giving them a bad time about something, but it was just her own way of inspiring us to be better.
- Marianne remembered how she was instantly welcomed to the family (while Kurt was still on his mission). Grandpa greeted her with a big kiss on the mouth which mortified Grandma!
We are sure we missed other memories and thoughts that we would love to have you add in the comments. We love you grandma and will miss you! And will be forever grateful for this great family you started.