Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Annie!

Dear Annie-

Happy Birthday love! I hope that you had a wonderful day! I hope that you know how much I love you. I have been telling anyone who will listen how I'm in Heaven with 7!! (actually I have been saying this since you were 6 1/2) You have become such a grown up over the past year.

I loved it the other day when you felt like we were just chatting as friends. I love your hugs and that you remember to tell me you love me very day.

Annie, you are so big, helpful, kind, thoughtful, and responsible. You are 7 going on 12 and although part of me wants to yell STOP GROWING! I love the beautiful little person you are becoming. It is so fun to watch you grow and learn. You are becoming a great reader- I am really proud of you.

Annie, one of the things I love most about you is your ability to make friends. When you were little, like Meg is now, we lived in Boston where the people aren't known for being very friendly. Your first word was "Hi" and you would say Hi! and wave to people everywhere we went. Sure, it startled a few, but more often then not, people would have a big smile on their face after meeting you.

Annie, I love your spirit. I have always thought it was too big for your little body. I look up to your example about doing what's right and saying your prayers. You are very sensitive to the spirit and I hope you never lose that.

Annie, I remember holding you as a new baby and loving you so much I thought my heart was going to burst- I still feel that same way!

Happy Birthday! I love you!

Love, Mom


Ashley C. said...

Happy Birthday Annie. We love you too. I can't believe it has been seven years. I too remember when you were super little and so funny-and now you are such a big kid. Thanks for always being so great to my kids and for being a wonderful cousin and niece. We love you. Happy Birthday.

john said...

hey happy birthday. I remember coming to Boston when you were little, and you could hardly talk, and you would just run around in circles in that front area, past the tv and into the kitchen and back. And you would laugh and laugh. I was younger then too, and you were fascinating to me. You were this tiny person- the littlest person I knew- and it was so easy to love you.
and it still is.
you're a good kid.
Happy Birthday.

cdsdds said...

Annie is cool.

EmilyCC said...

Happy Birthday, Annie! I still remember you as the cute toddler running all over the Young Women's room at activities in Boston.

The Pond's Lily Pad said...

She is so adorable! Happy birthday, Annie! You are just like your mom, and that means you are something special, ESPECIALLY because you talk so much!!

auntie libby said...

oh my goodness, how did that happen. annie can't possibly be so grown up! wow and so beautiful too. the nice girl inside certainly shines in her face. happy b'day annie. we miss seeing your family. tell your mom to come visit us in farmington and not just the connors. maybe we should have a bbq. good idea - i will start planning.

It's Been a Day! said...

i remember when you were pregnant with annie. i'm not sure where the last 7 years have gone! i hope it's a great birthday for annie.

Courtney said...

I am so lucky to be your aunt. You have such a contagious laugh and give the greatest always make me happy! I had so much fun being your dance teacher last year....and going to Cinderella, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Annie with you! Happy Birthday!

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