Thursday, September 11, 2008

i've been inspired

A couple of weeks ago a friend told me about an young Arizona couple (the Nielsens) who had been in a small plane crash (maybe you have heard about them on the Today Show or in the New York Times) and gave me a blog to look at. c Jane run I have been faithfully reading once or twice a day ever since. Even if I don't have time for any other blogs I feel a pull to check on this family. The Nielsens were both severely burned (Stephanie about 80% and Christian 30%)and are currently medically sedated, undergoing skin grafts, fighting infection and fighting for their lives.

A few key things have drawn me in - first the faith of the family. They are Mormon and believe in the power of prayer and knowing that a loving Father in Heaven is aware of us. They are not angry or bitter- but are inspired and hopeful and share that message of hope and peace with readers. The blog is written by Stephanie's sister who is caring for three of her four children in addition to her own new baby.

Really if you think that you are having a bad day- try stepping into someones shoes who is in the midst of tragedy- a mom that might not make it through the birth of her baby, a beautiful couple and parents of 4- wrapped like mummies in a burn unit, a young family whose 5 yr old daughter was just diagnosed with cancer, the breadwinner of a family currently without work- and ask yourself if what you are complaining about- and arguing about- is really that important.

The other inspiring thing is Stephanie herself. She writes a blog about motherhood called the NieNie dialogues. Instead of complaining about being a wife and mother she celebrates it. She is a darling mom- who plays with her kids and is still in love with her husband. She doesn't claim to do it all right but she works hard on her marriage and family. She is patient and kind and has inspired me to be a better mom.

what would I do different today if i knew I wouldn't have tomorrow with my kids or husband?

Right now- i think I'll go cuddle with Kate.


Ashley C. said...

i knew i liked you. we pretty much just wrote the same post at the same time on our blogs. he he. thanks for the reminder. i seem to need them lately. i love you.

Ashley C. said...

ps- i would take your kids in a heartbeat. and i would promise to love them! I already do.

Nickposh said...

commenting... on your lovely thoughts about remembering what is most important. Thanks for sharing your love and your sweet children with me. H2oskiing with you and Dan, hanging out with Annie, snuggling with Kate, and traveling with Meg are a few of my favorite things. Love you!

Courtney said...

thanks a for the reminder...I love you!

Coleen said...

Eternal perspective is so essential to happiness. Thanks for the post.

Ashlee said...

isn't it amazing how this one woman has affected so many? we are all inspired by their stories to be better...
good reminder if you ever think your circle of influence as a sahm is so small...
Love you!

Lauren Parker said...

dont worry i started crying. good reminder though. i love you A. and miss you :[

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