A question I have been asking myself since we got home from Mexico about a week ago.
I would give Meg a kiss- get a whiff of something and then wonder what is that smell??
Was I standing too close to the garbage?
Does her breath stink?
Am I imagining something?
Then sometime over the weekend I realized the smell was coming from her NOSE.
I became obsessed: asking other people to smell her nose, smelling her tissues. Does she stink or do I just think she stinks?
I called the Doctor yesterday and the could get me in for the last appointment of the day.
From my google research I knew that one sided foul smelling nasal discharge was most often caused by a sinus infection or a foreign object.
I knew the chances of a sinus infection were slim seeing as how Meg hasn't had a recent and prolonged cold. But I was holding out some hope that I would have a Rx for antibiotics in my hand shortly and we'd be on our way!
The PA we saw in the office could see something up her right nostril but could reach it with her limited tools so we were on our way to Primary.
waiting our turn in the ER
We stayed. We waited. 2 hours later they found this . . . (a popcorn kernel)
For those who care about the details: they wrapped her up like a mummy and it took three people to hold her while they put a foley catheter (6 fr) up her nose. They then inflated the balloon with saline and when they pulled it out the kernel came too.
good as new!! and she smells good too!!
oh my poor meggy!! she looks so cute though what a tropper! glad you got the kernel out !! :]
That's what I call Mother's Intuition right there! Nice work.
Tommy stuck a peanut up his nose while we were on a plane once. Soo fun!
WOW! That is crazy. Way to act on a funny smell. that could have really caused some problems if it stayed in any longer.
She's such a sweetie.
ahh, Mexico. that sounds wonderful. i hope you had a great time.
You're kidding me! All that run around for a popcorn kernel! Those funny little kids just add so much adventure to our lives. I'm glad she is more kissable now :)
welcome back! You are such a good mom.
She must be related to Ashley...Didn't she get multiple things stuck up her nose? Glad to see the happy Meg again..that must have hurt
That is quite the story. The things kids do?. And, waiting in the ER is one of my all time least favorite things to do :). I'm glad she's smelling good again and I can't wait to see pics from Mexico!!!
That is awesome!!
What a little stinker! Glad it is out...it looks like it had been up there a while?
I geez! How crazy is that!
awh - poor meg! at least it wasn't a penny! glad she is feeling better.
but man.. she is cute. maybe dan and dad are onto something... no more popcorn at the murdocks!
love you and that meggie.
I can't believe that little stinker. I love your description of 'does she smell or do I think she smells?' that sounds like my life. Always thinking of what it might be but hoping it's not what we think it is...
I am coming up for Women's Conference. Are you going?
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